this pic if you look closely you will see Johanna is trying to lure a kitten out from her little nest that a jewish student had made for it after finding it in the street.
The next two pictures resemble some artwork that Johanna and I had the priveledge of producing.
'children at play' and 'the sitting wise man' are the names Nic has given them.
The next five pictures are a contrast set with the first three displaying the busying streets of inner Jerusalem, where you will need to watchout for the caniving young arabs who will no doubt be eager to escort you on your way with direction and guidance whilst expecting a fee at the end of your journey(this happend to us on several occasions, of course we eventually grew wise of it). Complete with consumers and merchants everywhere you turn you will of course come dredfully close to being harassed by the sellers trying to puruade you into his lair in order to catch your appetite with one of their many accessories.

The last two in this contrast set are of the same streets during the shabbat which of course is what we call saturday, the day of jewish sabbath.
Something much needed in the western world is seen in these streets during shabbat,,quietness, calm.

Lastly in this list of pix is our wonderful Citadel, a highly recommended clean, freindly, quiet,accomadating hostel located in what is loosely claimed the christian quarter. It was our most favorite place to stay, especially when we got to experience the rooftop. They had a stake of mattresses to choose from and you got to find a place on the roof and set up for the night! it was fantasitic and a wonderful veiw.
So much rock...that is what strikes me about Jerusalem...a city built on rocks and with rocks. And then a gentle kitten tucked in the rock. Neat contrast. I am so looking fwd to seeing you guys soon! Love, Ma