Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Pessa Seder at the Moshav Amirim

Hello Again everyone, this is our second post this week were gonna try and make a third by the weeks end. We are currently at our Kibbutz but we are trying to play catch-up b/c our internet hasn't been availible untill recently.

Our Moshav experience included the wonderful blessing of participating in the carmel family passover(or pessa as the jewish culture calls it). We have a short video clip(that is more of an audio b/c we just recorded the family singing) to share and some pics as well.

Our pictures include the german friends of ours that stayed with us on the moshav, in it you'll find Melanie and Ortrun who coincidently ( or not) share our love for Jesus in the authentic sort of way. We are planning to join them as we visit Jeruselem, I'm sure we will have pictures and stories of that whence we come to it.

The small village of Amirim is located not too far west of the sea of Galilee. From the mountainside it seems as though its a stones throw. Distance is decieving here in Northern Israel, thanks to the mountains everything is alot further away then it aught to be.

Looking across the sea beyond into the horizon you will see the country of Jordan. We have many more pictures to display and not enough time to show them all just yet but we're getting there. Hopefully our computer and internet connection with stay functioning. God truly has made this place the land of milk and honey. We are most certainly blessed to be partaking in all of this, We are honored to be sharing it with all of you as well although the picture don't do justice to the real thing.
God bless


  1. This is really great to see the pics of where you are and hear some of the details. The Sea of Galilea - wow! It must be so cool to actually be in the place where Jesus was. Sounds like you've found some new special friends and are enjoying life with them. Looking fwd to more pics and details, when you can. I'm really happy you guys are feeling so blessed in all of this! Love, Ma

  2. Hi Guys, isn't Israel beautifull? di and I are visiting Glor and Liw this weekend(they say HI!) and back from our own journey to Florida...had a great time as well, but glad to be home. It's good to see that you are both healthy safe and happy...we are comparing children's blogs of adventures since Gloria's kids are traveling and living in africa and alaska right now...love and peace, mom and diana and friends!!
